Family on a Bridge

I learned I like using Peach Pit to learn Photoshop. It is a great program! There were very few obstacles in this project, as most were just trying to locate certain tools or buttons. I solved this by asking a friend or by searching a little harder. I also sometimes clicked random buttons until I found what I was looking for. The goal of the assignment was essentially to remove the kid from the photo and make the photo appear more aesthetically pleasing.

I learned how to use the crop tool and how to straighten an image. Next I adjusted the color and tone.
Then I used my favorite tool in this project, the spot healing brush tool! I used it to fix the crease, some yellow spots in the sky, the lines on the wall, and the lines on the floor. I also used it on the kid I was later told to delete. It tool away his belt and bag.

I used the patch tool with content aware. This took away the kid. I used the spot healing brush to fix some shadow issues. I also needed to fix some windows, so I used the clone stamp tool. I also used this tool to  fix the bridge. There were two white spots that bothered me.

I have used the spot healing tool so much since completing this project. It truly is one of my favorite tools.

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